Success stories on The Fitness Chef App

Over 12000 people have said goodbye to miserable diets & hello to getting results eating what they love! Here’s how my app helps them…

"No crap, no gimmicks, no scare tactics, no shame and no guilt ."


No crap, no gimmicks, no scare tactics, no shame and no guilt. Your app is the first fitness product I’ve see that just tells it how it is and supports you in a calm, measured way. It allows you to focus on health but also enjoy life. I used to be the worst for thinking a takeaway had ruined my diet, but now I just switch the app to track weekly and adjust the next couple of days to stay on track! So easy!

"Now that I’m educated in calories and macros I enjoy these occasions much more!."


In the past I’d felt miserable when celebrating Christmas, birthdays and holidays because I thought I was ruining all my weight loss progress. Thanks to you and your app I now know that I can enjoy these days and still progress because it’s just 1 day! Now that I’m educated in calories and macros I enjoy these occasions much more!

Try out with a 14 day free trial

ONLY £5.99 a month or £53.99 a year thereafter. Cancel any time.

"Graeme’s posts helped me with my disordered eating by educating me ."


Graeme’s posts helped me with my disordered eating by educating me. I signed up to his app and love the fact I can filter recipes quickly to fit my goals. For example, if I have 500 calories left I can put this in the filter making things so much quicker and easier!

"I’ve lost 16lbs without sacrificing any of my favourite foods."


I was on and off slimming clubs for years, never lost weight and felt helpless. I was trawling Instagram and to this day am thankful that I came across The Fitness Chef and his amazing posts. I ordered his books and signed up to the app and have never looked back. In 4 months I’ve lost 16lbs without sacrificing any of my favourite foods and without any of the guilt and nonsense slimming clubs inflicted on me which previously led me to binge eat. I can’t explain enough how much this has changed my quality of life.

Try out with a 14 day free trial

ONLY £5.99 a month or £53.99 a year thereafter. Cancel any time.

" I am learning to make small changes to achieve healthy and happy me."


I absolutely love the app for tracking (so much easier to navigate than other apps) and planning. I feel more in control than ever and am slowly but surely losing weight safe in the knowledge that I’m not missing out on anything and am learning to make small changes to achieve healthy and happy me.

"I love the freedom the app gives me to enjoy any food I like."


Ever since I can remember I’ve had a terrible relationship with food. This all changed when I signed up to The Fitness Chef App and bought Graeme’s books. Everything makes so much sense now and I realise what a sucker to diet culture I was before. I love the freedom the app gives me to enjoy any food I like while telling me the information I need to know to make supportive choices more often than not…

Try out with a 14 day free trial

ONLY £5.99 a month or £53.99 a year thereafter. Cancel any time.

"The recipes are tasty, quick & easy to make!"


I love how each recipe has calorie and macronutrient information so it's easy to match recipes with my goals. The recipes are tasty, quick & easy to make which is great for my busy lifestyle! The pizzas are amazing!

"It’s completely changed the way I interact with food and I can’t believe I didn’t trust science before"


Since the end of January I’ve lost 22lbs. I love the app as it takes all the work out of planning meals and I also love the recipes! Combining this with exercise each week (which I also use the app to track means I’m in a great place and I’m really enjoying it! I’ve had a funny relationship with food over the years and have tried all the fad diets out there, but this is the first time I’ve managed to stay in a deficit. It’s completely changed the way I interact with food and I can’t believe I didn’t trust science before!

"The fact that no food is off limits has revolutionised my mindset and removed all the stress and guilt I felt in the past."


I got your app membership in July 2021 and have lost about a stone in 2 months by simply understanding what I was putting in my mouth. The fact that no food is off limits (like most diets) has revolutionised my mindset and removed all the stress and guilt I felt in the past when trying to lose weight. Also, you’re chilli tacos are the bomb!

" I love the fact that the focus isn’t all about weight loss, but enjoyment too ."


I love the fact that the focus isn’t all about weight loss, but enjoyment too. I also love the recipes. They are high in protein, relatively simple to make and inexpensive. I love that I can choose an option for UK foods rather than other sites/apps which only have American foods and measure in cups