Start your free trial in 3
easy steps and reach your goals

  • Calculate target
  • Create an account
  • Activate Free Trial

What is your desired goal?

This is used to work out your calorie needs

{{ errors.first('step_1.goal') }}

What is your gender?

This is to work out your calorie needs

{{ errors.first('') }}

What is your date of birth?

This is used to calculate your metabolic reaction

What is your weight?

This is used to calculate how many calories you will burn

{{ errors.first('step_1.weight_stones') }}
{{ errors.first('step_1.weight_pounds') }}
{{ errors.first('step_1.weight_kgs') }}

What is your height

This is used to calculate how many calories you will burn

{{ errors.first('') }}
{{ errors.first('step_1.feet') }}
{{ errors.first('step_1.inches') }}

What is your daily activity level?

This is used to calculate how many calories you need based on your lifestyle

{{ errors.first('step_1.activity_level') }}

What is your diet style

Recipes will be filtered based on your diet preferences

{{ errors.first('step_1.diet_style') }}

What food database would you prefer?

Access 200,000 grocery items worldwide, alongside a further 1 million branded items in the UK or USA

{{ errors.first('step_1.food_database') }}

Your daily target results

{{ parseInt(personal_calorie_target) }}
Calories Daily
{{ protein }} g
Protein Daily

Create your free account now

Cancel Anytime.
Only £7.99/month or £67.99 £39.99/year after your trial.

{{ errors.first('step_2.register_email_address') }}
{{ errors.first('step_2.register_first_name') }}
{{ errors.first('step_2.register_last_name') }}

{{ errors.first('step_2.register_password') }}

{{ errors.first('step_2.register_password_confirm') }}

{{ errors.first('step_2.t_and_c') }}

{{ errors.first('step_2.marketing_agreed') }}